Redecorating should be a personal and exciting venture. However, busy schedules edge out the time needed to select window treatments, sort through furniture and flooring options as well as researching paint colors and wallpaper options. The result is a bustling interior design business of contracted designers and decorators who are able to get the job done professionally while you maintain your day to day lifestyle.
Many of these interior designers are mainly recommended by word-of-mouth and work independently, requiring full trust on the client’s side that the job being paid for will be done sufficiently. Unfortunately a large number of clients will be quickly deceived and overcharged for services and will need representation by an Interior Design Law Attorney.
Alan R. Soven, P.A. has served individual homeowners, corporate offices and business owners in Florida, New York, California and Nevada by protecting their rights and interests in hiring and supervising interior designers.
About Alan R. Soven, P.A.
Thirty five years ago, attorney Alan Soven began representing clients in their cases against fraudulent interior designers and decorators. During this time, his firm advised clients on legal matters concerning code compliance, architectural and design laws, state revenue codes, contract retainer agreements, Uniform Commercial Code delivery and inspection prerequisites.
Since that time, Alan Soven has represented home and business owners as clients in their cases against interior designers who exploited their costs, expenses and fees, in order to protect their investments. His past experiences, which include working with the Department of Business and Professional Regulation, as well numerous individual licensing boards, has enabled him to provide exceptional service for his clients.
If you have a legal issue regarding interior design law, call the Law Offices of Alan R. Soven, P.A. at (305)326-0330.